Club Member Ross Wensley has been leading the charge on our Club contribution to this project 
The follow-on project from the Rotary Dream Home, to establish two units for the Breathing Space Southland Trust (BSST) as emergency accommodation is progressing.
The remaining work to complete the project involves fencing, landscaping, painting of units and construction of the deck is being split between the Club’s.
Club Member Ross is co-ordinating our Club’s contribution of the deck construction and has been working away making great progress with support from Club members, along with much appreciated support from members friends and family.
Following the sale of the Rotary Dream Home in 2018 – a committee made up of representatives of each Rotary Club have been working on the follow-on project to establish two units for the Breathing Space Southland Trust (BSST) to use as emergency accommodation.
Details on the next Club working bee for this project are to follow.